Take a Picture with the Hashtag #EndAbuse, End Domestic Violence

Use the hashtag #EndAbuse to post a selfie to social media, showing your support for those who have been through and are currently going through domestic violence.


From L to R: me, Britta Merwin, Beth DeLozier, Meg Owen, Sarah Rufca, Allie Danziger, Carie Colbert, Monica Abney, Megan Silianoff, David Peck, Laura Max Rose, Anika Jackson, Candace Thomas, Jayme Lamm, Katie Laird, Kate Stukenberg, Aimee Woodall, and NFL Players Association Former Players President Joe Wesley. Not pictured: Frederick Goodall, Emily Goetz, and Julie Weinstein. All photographs by Ashley Cardoza

Would you believe me if I told you that 119 women were killed in Texas last year by their intimate male partners? What about if I told you that every SIX SECONDS a woman in the US is battered?

Think it has nothing to do with you?


Domestic violence affects our friends, our neighbors, our parents, our siblings. It affects people we work with, and people we go to school with. Often times, we have no idea that the abuse is happening; not all abuse results in bruises and black eyes. Abuse can be emotional in nature. It can create wounds we do not see. And it is very common that the abused person feels ashamed, fearful and trapped in his or her situation, not knowing there is a way out.

This is where Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse comes in.

I, along with the incredible team who work for and support AVDA, gathered 18 Houstonians at OKRA Charity Saloon on a Saturday afternoon for a very powerful photoshoot and a presentation from a survivor of domestic abuse. Each of us was photographed holding the hashtag #EndAbuse. For obvious reasons, I will not be sharing our speaker’s name, but suffice to say she went through a horrific situation that affected her entire family. She was only 21. Having nowhere else to turn, she turned to AVDA, who provided her with the pro bono legal care she needed to protect herself from her abuser and keep both her and her child safe. Sadly, her story is not uncommon, but we’re doing something about it.

end abuse avda 7 end abuse avda 6 end abuse avda 9 Use the hashtag #EndAbuse to post a selfie to social media, showing your support for those who have been through and are currently going through domestic violence.

This is where you come in.

On Wednesday, May 27th, snap a picture of yourself holding up a sign with the hashtag #EndAbuse and share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and/or your blog. Let the world know that we will not tolerate the abuse of our friends, our neighbors, our parents, our siblings. Follow the hashtag in the coming weeks to see who else has joined the fight. For more day-of info, and for a link you can share to spread the word: http://www.avda-tx.org/endabuse

Use the hashtag #EndAbuse to post a selfie to social media, showing your support for those who have been through and are currently going through domestic violence.

Our goal is simple: raise awareness not only for ending domestic violence, but to raise awareness for AVDA in the event that someone you know really needs these services. AVDA not only provides legal advocacy, but they provide education assistance, counseling services, youth outreach, and even counseling services for abusers to begin the process of breaking the cycle. has quietly been doing this good work in our city and not enough people know about it.

Let’s tell the world.

Together, let’s #EndAbuse.

7 thoughts on “Take a Picture with the Hashtag #EndAbuse, End Domestic Violence

  1. Awesome article. You write from the heart and express your opinion beautifully. Thanks

  2. A great campaign that I would be proud to be a part of. Thank you for posting this and reminding the world that this is a never-ending issue.

    I wrote a post about my experiences with abuse and felt a lot of love and support. But, then that’s the end. People don’t realize that this world needs more than a gentle, heartfelt comment or a pat on the hand. People, like you, make the difference.

    Again, thank you for this post and your mission to #EndAbuse..

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman