The Week in Review

I’m not a big fan of being over-scheduled, and I really enjoy my time at home relaxing, especially these days, since I know my days of relaxing will be coming to an end once there’s a newborn in the house. That said, once in awhile there are too many exciting, wonderful things happening, and being over-scheduled is unavoidable. This week was jam-packed, though now that I adult — yes, I used it as a verb — I come to expect it this time of year and I’m prepared for it. I definitely took advantage of all the hours in the day!

On me: Ella Moss 3/4 Sleeve Flutter Sleeve Maternity Top // ASOS hat // ASOS maternity jeans

On Naomi: Zara dress

Monday evening, we took our yearly holiday pictures. This year, we shot with my friend Jessica, owner of Paperhearts Photography. The weather was beautiful, but the rain we’ve been having brought out bird-sized mosquitoes. I’m surprised I don’t look like I’m dancing in most of them. Of course, a true pro can capture the best moments in between the chaos, and she managed to do just that.

meredith casa de esperanza

Tuesday, I participated in the monthly meetup of Tuesdays Together, which is a national group of creatives that’s organized into local chapters, which each chapter discussing the same topic each month. This month, every chapter did a community service project, and ours was at Casa de Esperanza, an amazing organization that provides a safe place for children in crisis due to abuse, neglect or the effects of HIV. Thank you to Meredith of Cake & Confetti for opening my eyes to this awesome organization.

julie weinstein oops book

Later that evening, I attended my good friend Julie Weinstein’s BOOK RELEASE party! I can’t believe I have friends who are authors… I’m so proud of her and her incredible achievements. Her book is all about dating and sex in your 20’s, and I’m about to start reading my signed copy this week. You can purchase your copy here.

Wednesday evening, I celebrated with my good friends at the beautiful store Blue Leaf in Houston. They recently stocked some of cuteheads’ holiday collection and Back to Basics collection, and we threw a little party to celebrate. More on that to come as we receive pictures from the evening.

Thursday, I attended the annual luncheon for an incredible organization called Freedom Place. It is a care and recovery center for underage female victims of domestic child sex trafficking. It is the first long-term, comprehensive care facility in Texas for underage victims of domestic child sex trafficking and is one of only five such facilities in the United States. It was a powerful experience, to hear from a victim and survivor of underage sex trafficking, and it empowered me to do more. Thank you to blogger Lyndsey of L. Avenue for introducing me to this amazing cause.

Managed to sneak in a workout or two, catch a few hours of sleep and spend some time with my sweet kiddo, though it wasn’t enough.

I’m looking forward to a low-key weekend full of family time. Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead. xo



42 thoughts on “The Week in Review

  1. Take it easy there, Busy Bee! It looks like you are trying to fit it all in before the new baby comes in. Maybe the new baby will actually slow you down. Just remember, you have to take care of yourself to take care of others. It looks like you have a kind and giving heart, just worried about you. Take care & love, Lisa

    1. Yes, I already have my maternity leave planned 🙂 For now while I’m still feeling great and have lots of energy (and childcare), I’m taking advantage of it!

  2. I am like you – I really don’t enjoy having too many plans to fulfill. What a busy week! Your holiday picture is absolutely precious, and what a great reason to celebrate – congrats on cuteheads’ success!

    1. Congrats!! That’s amazing! I’d be happy to connect you with Julie, it was such a successful event and it seemed like she sold a lot of books. Give me your email and I’ll send an intro!

  3. Sounds like a busy, fun week. So great that you’re able to support great organizations and get time to support local businesses, as well. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yes, you had such a busy week, but you’re getting stuff done! Which is awesome. We’re still going to book a holiday card photo session, but congratulations for being on point with this.
    I definitely want to know more about Casa de Esperanza, will be looking into that.
    Congrats on a friend publishing a book!

  5. That sounds like a full week! It’s nice to have that sometimes, and it’s also very nice to have the quiet times afterward. Congratulations to your friend! What an accomplishment. I’m going to have to check that book out.

  6. Oh I hear ya on the busy week!!! I have another doozy ahead too. Then it’s thanksgiving!!! How is this year going so freaking fast! I need to adult, and quickly!

  7. I try to be as social as possible while I’m pregnant because newborns and social life are mutually exclusive terms. Looks like you had fun this week. I hope you can relax this weekend.

  8. I am the same way as you. I hate being super busy where I feel like I can’t really enjoy my time and life. Hopefully you can rest this weekend! It sounds like you had a really fun week!

  9. I habe a love hate relationship with this. Iover being busy. It I love relaxing lol. Also I love the photos

  10. Your family picture is adorable! What a busy week you had, I too had a busy week and totally enjoyed my weekend.

  11. Sounds like you had a pretty busy week!!!! Sounds like how my week is going to be right now! Nonstop!

    1. Good luck!! Hope you get a little sleep in there too… Between being overscheduled and pregnancy insomnia, I’m not even recovered yet! ha

  12. your blog is so beautiful! I love all of the photos too from you week! It looks like you all really enjoyed yourselves! Can’t wait to see more 🙂

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman