6 Apples and Honey Recipes to Ring in the Jewish New Year, 5776

Apple Cinnamon Honey Cake for Rosh Hashana


Image from Dinner at the Zoo

Happy Monday folks! Today we’re celebrating the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana, with our family and friends. This day signifies the start of a new Hebrew calendar year and the beginning of reading the Torah one again. We’ll be headed to synagogue to welcome in the new year and hear the shofar sound. On Rosh Hashana, we dip apples in honey — the traditional food — to signify the beginning of a sweet new year. This holiday is all about renewal and hope and happiness. I could say many wonderful things about my religion, but one of the stand-outs is the customary foods, hands-down. I hope, if you celebrate, you have a wonderful food-filled day today with family and friends and that 5776 is your best year ever.

Probably won’t be getting much work done today, but wanted to leave you with a recipe roundup I know you’ll love. In Judaism, food seems to be inextricably linked to celebration, and each holiday has its own unique food traditions, though there are some staples that seem to pop up at each holiday. In case you were curious, here’s a few of my favorite foods for Rosh Hashana:

Honey Cake with Apples and Toasted Walnuts, from This Is How I Cook

Apple Tart with Nuts and Date Syrup (in Hebrew), from Something Sweet

Apple Cinnamon Honey Cake, from Dinner at the Zoo

Honey Cake in a Jar, from  Living Sweet Moments

Cheesy Apple Spice Noodle Kugel, from  Jenessa’s Dinners

Honey Apple Pie Challah, from Sift and Whisk


The beautiful art project Naomi did for us at school last week. We displayed it proudly on the refrigerator, obviously. Every time she walks by it, she gets this proud look on her face and says, “Naomi did it!” 😍



5 thoughts on “6 Apples and Honey Recipes to Ring in the Jewish New Year, 5776

  1. We celebrated our first Erev Rosh Hashana on Sunday night! Looking forward to many more and to learning more about the traditions and yes, the food.

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman