Hi friends, and happy Christmas week! Only a few sleeps left until Christmas and we’re gearing up for a beautiful holiday ahead. This week, we sat down with blogger @Mrs.Dominique.Myrie to see how she will celebrate the holidays, especially this year in the middle of a global pandemic.

We discovered Dominique’s beautiful feed while scrolling Instagram and learning about bloggers right here in our own Houston community. I love connecting with local creatives and getting to know other moms in this creative space; it’s so rewarding and fun. It’s quite honestly one of my favorite things about what I do! And if you missed my holiday message recently about supporting local, you can read it here.
She took THE cutest photos of her little girl in our best-selling Willow dress; the brocade is so rich and luxe, and layered with silver, it’s really such a unique and one of a kind little girl’s Christmas dress.

The Houston creative community is thriving, and I love how everyone I know is figuring out how to make it all work during these crazy times.
Without further ado, meet Dominique and get to know her below.
Celebrate the Holidays with @Mrs.Dominique.Myrie

Please tell about your blog. How long have you been blogging?
I launched my blog in April 2020 and it features my personal journey. In it, I share thoughts and opinions that we all often internalize but may not speak aloud to anyone. I enjoy sharing fitness tips, workouts, and fashion, coupled with my experiences in navigating motherhood.
Being that I was already passionate about these things, I felt it would be easy for me to transition my passion into helping others. I strive to inspire others to live their best life, beautifully individualized.
My purpose is to provide helpful tips, best practices, and advice through my platform. I also love encouraging women to believe in themselves and know that they can do anything if they just take it one day at a time… my true daily motto.
With that being said, I have developed a real sense of community among these women friends I’ve met online. We talk about individual issues that we face and provide support for one another.
What are your family’s favorite Christmas traditions?
My favorite family tradition is waking up early to make hot cocoa as we open gifts. It’s the best feeling to be with family.
What’s under your tree this year? Any favorite gifts you’re giving?
We mostly have gifts under our tree for our little ladybug. As for everyone else, this year my favorite gift I’m giving are gift cards, the gift of choice!
How have you been navigating Christmas during this pandemic?
We have been taking it a day at a time. We’ll celebrate the holidays by trying to stick to our traditions the best we can while finding joy and creating memories.
What are your favorite Christmas foods?
This year we’re switching it up and doing a Christmas Breakfast. I can’t wait to indulge in my brother’s famous cheesy hashbrowns casserole. its my favorite.

Is What is your favorite Christmas memory?
My favorite Christmas memory is when I received an Easy Bake Oven one year for Christmas. After begging my mom for the oven, she refused. I was so shocked and uber excited when I unwrapped it. That year was the best Christmas ever. I will get my daughter an Easy-Bake oven when she gets older. I think it’s going to be more for me than her!
Learn more and visit My Real Living to follow Dominique’s blog. Follow her on Instagram at @Mrs.Dominique.Myrie.