Shop Small for the Holidays
I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has shopped cuteheads already this holiday season.
The holidays are a LOT for a small business owner, and COVID is helping literally nothing. So your orders mean a lot, a lot.
If you can’t shop small for the holidays, would you consider supporting cuteheads — and other small/local businesses — in other ways?
Social media is a fickle beast; we love it and we hate it. Makes it easy to connect with customers and at the same time, sometimes impossible.
Constant algorithm changes, shadow bans, pay to play… all of these things make social media less than social.
And I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t EXHAUSTING trying to keep up while also running this business.

How You Can Help
Social media has changed a LOT since I started managing the social media for Blinds.com back in 2004 (I think?). Back then, it really was the Wild, Wild West.
It may seem like it still is today, but trust me… behind the scenes, it’s a very well-oiled machine.
So if you’re feeling generous, please head to Instagram.com/cuteheadskids.
- Like some posts
- Save some posts
- Turn on notifications, whatever works for you.
- Share a blog post or product on your own social media channels
And do that for other small businesses too.

I know one thing for sure: we do not want to wake up from this pandemic with only Amazon still standing.
How are you planning to shop small for the holidays?