10 Questions with Cake & Confetti Founder Meredith Staggers

This is the 21st in a series of small success stories called “10 Questions with” that features a creative entrepreneur or small business owner who has an incredible story and advice to share. It’s the perfect series to follow for budding entrepreneurs and creative people who want to know more about other people’s creative processes. Check back here every Wednesday to see who the next small business profile will be. The interview with event stylist Meredith Staggers below the images.
10 Questions with Cake & Confetti Founder Meredith Staggers. See what it's like to be a photo and event stylist. Read more at blog.cuteheads.com

10 Questions with Cake & Confetti Founder Meredith Staggers. See what it's like to be a photo and event stylist. Read more at blog.cuteheads.com

10 Questions with Cake & Confetti Founder Meredith Staggers. See what it's like to be a photo and event stylist. Read more at blog.cuteheads.com

When I first started cuteheads 5 years ago, I had no clue how many incredible, creative people lived in my city. It used to frustrate me that everyone in my industry seemed to be in NY and LA, and there was definitely a panache that came with those locations. So much so, that I used to pretend I WASN’T from Houston. Or rather, I left that bit of information out in all of my social media profiles. I don’t know what I was so embarassed about it… Houston’s amazing, if you haven’t heard. All the good restaurants are here. And as it turns out, tons of awesome small business owners.

I can’t remember when exactly I met photo and event stylist Meredith Staggers, but her fun, bubbly personality is totally contagious. She’s the type of person who loves to collaborate and work with other small business owners, just like I do, so it makes sense that we’d get along! I was so excited to work with her after I had my second baby to style some images for me, because it was one less thing for me to do and I knew she’d kill it, which she did. She’s also the founder of Houston’s Rising Tide Society chapter of Tuesdays Together, which is an awesome networking group for creatives. I’ve been a few times and have met some really talented, cool people. Again, all in Houston.

I’m excited to introduce her to you today because, if you’re like me, you get overwhelmed by social media sometimes, and sometimes you’re like, “What the heck am I going to post today?!” But that’s where Meredith comes in. Because she can help you style that totally gorgeous, perfect shot for Instagram that will help you get your next sale or increase your follower count. She’s that good at her job. If you need a photo and event stylist, she’s your girl.

Small Business Success Stories: Meredith Staggers, Cake & Confetti

Glad to chat with you! First, tell us where we can find you online.

Hi, I’m Meredith Staggers, founder of Cake & Confetti

What inspired you to start your own business?

I started Cake & Confetti as a creative outlet after I planned my wedding in 2012. After a couple years of juggling both my desk job and business, I left to pursue Cake & Confetti full-time about a year and a half ago. What started as an event planning company has now evolved to focus on social media consulting and product styling for creative businesses. It’s been a journey but I’m so happy with the direction it’s going!

What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?

I constantly try to push myself to come up with creative styling and props ideas. I’m inspired by bright colors and playful details that I see in window displays, fashion magazines and browsing on Pinterest.

I’m always trying to push my creativity to the next level and I find that arranging flowers is a great outlet to help me do so. It’s almost like creative therapy for me.

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start your business?

I worked in brand management for an advertising agency for a few years and was constantly multitasking and putting out fires. This definitely helped prepare myself for the never ending to-do list and stress levels associated with being a soloprenuer.

What has been your biggest success to date?

I celebrate a lot of tiny victories so it’s hard to name just one! But if I had to pick, styling the HOUSTON Magazine 10th anniversary party last year was definitely a milestone for me.

What has been your biggest challenge?

To be transparent, I struggle with staying disciplined. In 2015 I neglected the administrative side of my business so much – who likes bookkeeping anyways?! But in all seriousness, C&C definitely suffered because of it. I always choose to the fun tasks that allow me to be creative and push the other stuff to the back burner. But now I realized without the admin aspect a creative business is just a hobby.

Describe your typical work day.

Everyday is different – I try to schedule two office days to work on administrative work, shoot research and emails and the other three are for meetings, grabbing coffee with friends, sourcing props and photo shoots.

Which small businesses are you inspired by?

Shay Cochrane is a huge inspiration to me. She paved the way for product styling in the creative small business world – I didn’t know it was a profession a couple years ago! Not only does she create beautiful photos but she has boundaries between work and family. Even if that means taking on less projects, she values the time with her kids so much and I really respect that. When I become a mom I really hope I’m able to balance it all as gracefully as she does.

If you could go back to the beginning knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?

I would have tried harder not to take negative feedback so personally. This is something I’m trying to work on, it’s so hard! I pour every ounce of creativity into my work and sometimes I forget I can’t make everyone happy.

What’s your best advice for someone who wants to start her own creative business?

Don’t let a specific title limit your creativity! When I started Cake & Confetti I planned weddings and small scale events with a lot of DIY details. Over time, I realized I didn’t like the logistics of the events but loved the creative process. Now I have the opportunity to help other creative business owners conceptualize photo shoots and style their products using that same process. It was a big shift for my company but I’m so grateful for the opportunity to help other creative businesses.

Tell us YOUR small business success story! For a chance to be featured in one of our small business posts, email info {at} cuteheads [dot] com & tell us about your business.

4 thoughts on “10 Questions with Cake & Confetti Founder Meredith Staggers

  1. She planned her own wedding!!?? I couldn’t get over that fact, sorry. The whole time I was reading the interview. It’s very easy to let negative comments get to you. I remember when i wanted to start my blog. My boyfriend at the time crashed my idea before I even finished the sentence. It took me 2 years to get over that. Even though I still went on to start it, I did it mostly to prove myself so he could see and I would rub it in his face.

    Very useful points to consider here… Even though I am not in her line of business, am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel for my dreams

  2. Great advice! It can be so challenging to take negative feedback but I try to always take the good and the bad as a learning opportunity. I also try to remember that the negative things that people say about me is not a reflection of me but of their character! 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman