10 Questions with Sweet Whimsy Designs founder Leandra Sweet

This is the 15th post in a weekly series called “10 Questions with” that will feature creative entrepreneurs and small business owners who have incredible stories and advice to share. It’s the perfect series to follow for budding entrepreneurs and creative people who want to know more about other people’s creative processes. Check back here every Wednesday to see who the next small business profile will be. The interview is below the images.

Small Business Profile: Sweet Whimsy Designs | Read about her small business journey at blog.cuteheads.com

Small Business Profile: Leandra Sweet of Sweet Whimsy Designs | Read more at blog.cuteheads.comSmall Business Profile: Leandra Sweet of Sweet Whimsy Designs | Read more at blog.cuteheads.comOne of the ways we small business owners grow, especially in the handmade community, is by collaborating with each other. We do this in a number of ways (countless ways, actually) and if you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know that one of my purposes is not only to grow my own business, but to help others succeed. As they say, there’s enough success to go around, and if you don’t feel that way, you’re probably not going to go very far.

Last year, I was totally surprised when I received the most gorgeous painted peg doll wearing cuteheads’ ‘Sophia’ Pink & Gold Flutter Sleeve Dress, designed by Leandra Sweet of Sweet Whimsy Designs. Blown away, actually. She was also wearing a beautiful floral crown by Southern Adoornments, another favorite shop of mine. It wasn’t just the coolness of it, or that she actually sent it to me in the mail for me to keep, but it was the generosity with which she created it, and the sense of collaboration and community she had in mind. There are countless small businesses out there, and most business owners are out there for themselves, not at all interested in helping others and being generous with time and resources. This may seem like a small gesture, but when you think about how busy we all are, and how limited our resources are, you realize it’s not so small.

I’ve had a soft spot in my heart for her gorgeous peg dolls ever since — and seriously, she makes some AMAZING stuff — and I’m thrilled to feature Leandra here today. I especially love how she describes her typical day and how she starts each day… read on to see why.

Small Business Profile: Leandra Sweet, founder and designer of Sweet Whimsy Designs

Glad to chat with you! First, tell us where we can find you online.

Leandra Sweet – sweet whimsy designs – TheWhimsicalSweet.com.

What inspired you to start your own business?

My children inspired the initial launch of our shop, sweetwhimsydesigns.com. One year for Christmas, money was extremely tight as we tried to figure out a way to support our family on one income so I could stay at home. I decided I could paint peg dolls and a castle and rocket as gifts to our children. I researched a bit online as to what supplies would be safest, then got creative. They loved them so much as did our family & friends, I started to get inquiries. Within one month, I was finding ways to create in my “spare time” – during naps, bedtime, on weekends. Soon enough I found myself with a 2-3 week turn-around time which quickly turned into 4-6 weeks. I’m still amazed at the love and support that is shown to my little shop! And so grateful!

What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?

My children & clients inspire me every day! I strive to create unique & fun designs that will inspire imaginations & creativity. Our playable art is beyond compare – every detail is painted with much love! The faces of our peg dolls are left blank to encourage complete pretend play with no preconceived ideas so children can enjoy play and be themselves.

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start your business?

I have done a little bit of everything in life. I was actually a Music Therapy major in college, but found the system to be not my cup of tea. I’m too creative (and perhaps a bit antsy!) for all that paperwork & give so much credit to those who can do it! Growing up, my father was an interior designer / artist who encouraged us to be original & creative. I’ve always loved art & painting/drawing/creating.

What has been your biggest success to date?

My biggest success has been running a lucrative business for 7 years from home while homeschooling our 3 young children. It isn’t ever easy, but it’s wonderful to hover the balance of having my cake & eating it too! It is also very rewarding to support our artisans & assistants – something I never considered when starting our business.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The same as my highest accomplishment! Finding balance, of course.

Describe your typical work day.

We wake to spend time in prayer / reflection, discussing things we are thankful for in that day. I find this cleansing activity makes the day much more enjoyable. Once the kids are engaged in learning or play, I may find a few hours throughout the day to attend to business – emails, social media, painting. Typically I work mostly in the evenings after the kids are in bed, and on weekends when my husband is home. Our assistants paint throughout the week as well & we meet once as week to touch base.

Which small businesses are you inspired by?

I’m inspired by all of them on a daily basis! Being a part of this handmade community online has allowed me to befriend so many wonderful artisans, both locally & internationally! We are all so encouraging & positive for one another, and each and every one of these beautiful souls allow me to see the possibilities of running a successful handmade business while enjoying all life has to offer.

If you could go back to the beginning knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?

I may have looked into having an investor, because I started from rock bottom with just a few dollars, literally. It was a lot of work but makes it all that much more worth it.

What’s your best advice for someone who wants to start her own creative business?

Go for it!! Don’t let your fears hold you back! Create something that isn’t already out there & put your best foot forward – you can do it. I think we are finally in a place where handmade is cherished. The small shop business is very strong & shoppers are looking for good quality, unique items. Now is a better time than ever to fulfill your dreams.

To read more creative entrepreneur profiles, follow the entire “10 Questions with” series and make sure to check back every Wednesday for another small business profile.

10 Questions with Sweet Whimsy Designs founder Leandra Sweet

26 thoughts on “10 Questions with Sweet Whimsy Designs founder Leandra Sweet

  1. I love reading about small business owners and I’m in awe of Leandra – homeschooling and running a successful business – awesome! I love how she starts every day with prayer. The Peg Dolls are gorgeous!

  2. That’s a great interview, I love finding out how other mums work at home. I’m still learning how to balance work and kids. Those peg dolls are gorgeous

  3. Leandra has so much on her plate but she still manages to be successful how on earth does she manage it? I could take tips from her and her dolls are gorgeous!

  4. This is truly an inspirational woman! I love this idea, of interviewing small business owners and entrepreneurs. Women can and should encourage others, and Leandra is doing that for me!

  5. What a wonderful success story! It’s so inspiring to hear about women who are entrepreneurs and who have created a market for unique products. She’s so talented!

  6. I love these Q&A’s you do with other lady entrepreneurs! Homeschooling and running her at home business, that is quite impressive!

  7. As a small business owner myself I admire you for your drive and your motivation. I agree you have to network if you ever want to grow your business keep up the great work!

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman