This blog has been a bit of a wild ride. When I started it around the time I opened my business, it was all about cuteheads. There were some informational posts, but mostly it was about sales, promos and events we were having. When I relaunched it on self-hosted WordPress and hired a professional designer to make it look pretty, it quickly took on a life of its own.
You may remember that I wrote about how I’d be transitioning back to a blog that was largely about me and my business, versus promoting other people’s businesses. I was focused on growing cuteheads, and it just didn’t make sense to be growing this blog independently from my ultimate goal. It was fun while it lasted, right? This blog is still my home base, still a creative outlet for me, and still a place I share behind-the-scenes tidbits from my business and my life, but I don’t really promote products that don’t 100% align with my business goals anymore.
That said, while I was more focused on growing the blog, I met so many amazing women bloggers who were doing incredible things and really fostering community, which is a big part of what I’m doing with cuteheads through my social media channels, this blog, and my VIP Facebook group. One of those women was Jessica Hughes, the blogger behind Happily Hughes.
This woman is the real deal. Two kids, a full-time job blogging, traveler extraordinaire (usually with her two small kids), all while working her butt off to look and feel amazing while encouraging others to do the same. She’s been a big supporter of cuteheads for as long as I’ve known her, and I wanted to feature her most recent family photos, featuring her precious Henley in one of my all-time favorite dresses, the Abigail.
Along with the pics, I wanted to give you a glimpse into what it’s like to be Jessica, how she manages to at least look like she’s doing it all, and her advice for others interested in starting a blog.
Without further ado, meet Jessica.
5 Questions with blogger Jessica of Happily Hughes
1. How did you get started blogging?
I was pregnant with Hudson and I started a private blog for my family to follow along in my pregnancy. It just grew from there!
2. What is your favorite part about blogging? And what is your least favorite part?
I LOVE being able to connect with and inspire other women. I dislike the stress of it.
3. With 2 kids and a successful business, you’re busy! What’s a typical day like for you?
Whew! I wake up at 5 Am And work until the kids wake up at 7:30 for school. Once they’re at school I hit the gym and work some more. I pick up the nuggets at noon, we eat lunch, and I read to them before nap. Then I work some more. They wake up, we play and make dinner. Then bath and bedtime routine. And then? SURPRISE… I work!
4. Any tips for balancing it all?
Working out has saved my sanity. Seriously. The hour to myself is so important for my mental health.
5. What advice would you give to other women who are interested in being work-at-home mamas?
YOU CAN DO IT!!! It’s hard and exhausting and some days you want to quit but you CAN do it. And it is worth it!!!