Mother’s Day Mother Daughter Fashion Inspo Featuring Some of Our Favorite cuteheads Mamas

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! This weekend we celebrate you & the countless hours you spend making lunches, organizing backpacks, helping with homework, serving as chauffeur, offering a kind, non-judgmental ear… I could go on. I often joke that cuteheads is my 3rd child (well, 4th if you count my furbaby), but really, there’s no job more difficult, no job more rewarding than being mom to my two precious girls.


My husband and I were watching Grey’s Anatomy last night (yes, we still watch it, and yes, it’s STILL GOOD [don’t judge]), and one of the characters asks Miranda for parenting advice, and this is her response:

“You ever heard of the black lace-weaver spider? Well, she lays about 50 to 100 eggs, and when her babies reach a certain age, she taps her web and calls them to her.
They swarm her, stab into her with their straw-like stingers, the mother’s innards liquefy, and they suck her up, like a milkshake, for their nourishment, leaving her a dead husk, and then, they go on with their lives.”

I seriously laughed out loud.

I know it’s a little grim (and forget that part about the spider not surviving said interaction… good thing we’re not spiders, right?), but the metaphor really made me chuckle. We moms give and give and give, and we never, ever, ever stop giving, because that’s just what we do. Even when things get tough, even when we think we can’t go on, we keep giving, and we keep doing. We keep carpooling. We keep volunteering at our kids’ schools. We keep working hard to provide for everything our kids’ need.

So it’s extra special to stop and take a day to recognize your commitment, your dedication to this most sacred, most important role of M-O-M. Every mother’s journey is different, and that journey should be celebrated!

I wanted to take a moment to feature some of the sweet and amazing mamas I’ve worked with lately, because they really make what I do worthwhile. Being a part of your special moments, in some small way, brings a smile to my face and gives me fulfillment like I can’t explain.

So cheers to these mamas — and YOU — for your hard work and dedication to your babies. I hope you get spoiled rotten this weekend… or at least get to sleep in a little. We’re featuring some mother daughter fashion inspo for you below, since our kids only let us twin with them for so long.


Follow Kayla on Instagram // Bexley dress shown here


Follow Alice on Instagram // Freya romper shown here


Follow Danielle on Instagram // Hydrangea dress shown here


Follow Kristina on Instagram // Rosie dress shown here


Follow Ailee on Instagram // Harlowe dress & romper shown here (sold out)


Follow Jessalyn on Instagram // Kennedy dress shown here


Follow Danielle, the founder of Flourish Leather Co. , on Instagram // Marigold dress shown here (sold out)


Follow Ashley on Instagram // Rebecca dress shown here

krista horton

Follow Krista on Instagram // Hydrangea dress shown here

About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman