My #MothersPromise to My Two Girls

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Parenting is hard, there’s no question about it, but to quote A League of Their Own, “it’s the hard that makes it good.” If you read my last post, then you read about some of the challenges I’ve faced as a 2nd time new mom. Aside from the lack of sleep, little to no time for anything, and work it takes to adjust to the new life, there’s that innate need to protect and keep them safe. It can be a little overwhelming, knowing that you are the one who’s responsible for that safety; it’s such a big job. It’s the most important job of all, I’d say.

I think about their safety and happiness all the time. I worry about things that are very likely never going to happen. I worry about what it will be like for them in a world that’s always changing and moving so fast. How can tiny people keep up when I can’t even keep up?

If there’s one thing I know, it’s this: in my house, under my roof, they’re safe. I cannot and will not shield them from everything they have to face in the real world because that would be doing them a disservice. As much as I want to protect them from every harm and hurt feelings, going through those things makes us who we are. It shows us how strong we can be. But in my house, they can be vulnerable. They can be themselves and find refuge. They don’t have to worry. And that’s my promise to them.

I’m thankful for brands like a Pampers, who I’ve been using since my first daughter was born. In my house, I only want to use safe, reliable products that keep my kids comfortable and feeling good. These are high quality diapers that are extremely breathable, absorbent and hypoallergenic for sensitive skin, which both my girls have.

I’ve linked up with Pampers and moms everywhere to create a discussion that is both important and meaningful. It forces us to stop what we’re doing and think about what we want for our kids and how we’re going to make sure that happens.

Make sure to shop for Pampers Premium Care at Walmart.

This post was sponsored by Pampers {available at Walmart}.  

One thought on “My #MothersPromise to My Two Girls

  1. I always think safety is obviously the biggest thing but their happiness as well. I want to give them every opportunity possible so that they have more doors opened to them than I ever did. They should believe that they can do anything they are willing to work for. I just want them to be happy and my promise is that I will do everything in my power to give them happiness. x

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman