5 Tips to Help You Get Things Done

5 Tips for Getting More Done | read them at blog.cuteheads.com

Not long ago, I participated in a cool IG chat with some friends of mine called Top Knot Tuesday. We each asked a question of the participants, and mine was about how to get more done and how to time manage. New baby. 2 year old, a business, a blog, a family… it’s a LOT. And I often wonder how I’m going to get everything done in a day and sleep at night. I give a lot of thought to ways to help me get things done in less time, or at least in the time that I do have.

When I really think about what helps me time manage, a few things come to mind. I don’t always realize I’m doing these things, but after years of working, and then working for myself, I have managed to create some habits that are now second nature to me. Like any habit, it takes time to develop; a habit doesn’t form over night. Adulting can be extremely overwhelming and exhausting, and when the day has control over us, we tend to lose our minds a little. At least I know I do.

I really believe that getting everything done isn’t about chugging the most coffee possible, or staying up until the wee hours of the morning (though in high school in college, I admit I did that more times than I care to remember). Now, I value my sleep, and when I don’t get it, you do NOT want to be around me.

Here’s what I’ve done to reclaim my energy and control over my days.

Tips for Getting More Done

  1. Don’t over-commit. This seems obvious, but I see time and time again people make the mistake of saying “yes” far too often. I don’t know what people’s obsession is with saying “yes,” but there is real power in “no.” Not everyone’s cause is going to be your cause. Not everyone’s event is going to be important to you. And learning to be ok with that is a critical adult skill to learn. In this same vein, learning to get over your FOMO is another step in that direction; I know it seems like you’re going to miss something if you don’t go to that happy hour, but I promise you won’t. Sometimes rest, rejuvenation, or just staying home to focus on your must-do list are necessary for your well-being. Don’t make the mistake of over-estimating how much you can accomplish in one day. We can do all things, but not at once.
  2. Wake up early. It is a proven fact that we are more productive in the morning. Many, many studies and polls have shown that our most productive time of day is morning when we’ve had adequate rest and we haven’t been bombarded with the challenges of the day yet and our body temp is still rising from the night before. Productivity decreases after we eat, sit, and the effects of caffeine have worn off. Capitalize on this by waking up a little early and tackling difficult tasks to get them out of the way.
  3. Work on a task until it’s done instead of trying to multitask. I hate that word, multitask, and here’s why: because NO ONE is good at it. You may think you are, but do you know how much more productive you can be by focusing on one task at a time and working on it until it’s finished before moving on to the next? Or, set aside a dedicated amount of time that you’re going to work on that item, even if you don’t finish it, versus trying to do 10 things at once. Trust me on this. Try it.
  4. Drink water instead of snack. Studies show that the symptoms of dehydration closely mimic those of hunger, so sometimes our bodies trick us into reaching for a snack when we really need a bottle of water. Lots of snacking throughout the day can actually do a number on energy levels. Try chugging some water before you eat something to make sure it’s not your thirst that needs quenching.
  5. Set and visualize very specific goals. Do whatever you have to do to visualize accomplishing exactly what you want to accomplish long-term. It’s not enough to say, “I want my business to be successful.” or “I want my blog to grow.” Set very specific goals and write them down. All of the mundane and tedious tasks you have to do to accomplish those goals won’t feel so boring if you can really envision that they’re helping you get there.

What helps you get things done in your day? Please share, I’d love to hear them!

33 thoughts on “5 Tips to Help You Get Things Done

  1. Waking up early is key in my productivity levels. If I wake up at the same time on the weekends as I do during the week I get so much done by mid morning and I have the rest of the day to enjoy. Plus I can always take a nap instead of sleeping in late.

  2. Waking up early is a huge one for me. Some days I’m more productive late at night though. Still trying to figure things out with that. But I loved reading all of your tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. I’ve been trying to wake up earlier. It is hard some mornings, but it is amazing what you can accomplish before the kids wake up that way!

  4. I always multitask and that is not good. I am also guilty of saying yes to too many things. I like planning tho so i am on a good track. I started writing a daily to do list!

  5. Great tips! I’ve found waking up early to be a real game changer. There is so much more you can accomplish in the early hours of the morning. Thanks for sharing Esther.

  6. I try multitasking and I end up all over the place! I also love the tip to not over commit – so true! When I over commit, I don’t enjoy what I’m doing.

  7. I really love that you included the one about drinking water instead of snacking. Great idea and it keeps you from feeling weighed down.

  8. Great tips, i always think multi tasking helps you get more done but i realise that in the end it doesnt it only slows you down.

  9. I LOVE the tip about drinking water instead of snacking…such a GREAT idea…I need to get more water in daily so I’ll definitely be doing that

  10. Great list. The over commit I think that as people we don’t like saying no, letting people down, or disappointing people which leads to us over committing. So learning to say no can be a huge obstacle for people.
    I am a huge fan of waking up early. I mainly started waking up early so I could get a little quiet time before the house got up and I was being pulled in different directions. I cherish my mornings and get so much done!
    Multi-tasking is something I really need to work on. I defiantly work on many things at once and know that I shouldn’t…
    Drinking water is something that I work on everyday. I have a tally on my to do list and when I finish a glass of water I check it off. So when I feel hungry I can look down and see if I should get water or a snack. This is a great tip!
    Since I started blogging setting specific goals has been something that I have been religious about. Before blogging I would set goals for myself but I like to be a lot more specific with blogging goals!
    Great list, thanks for the post!!

  11. I’m a chronic type B multi-tasker! I really need to devote more time to focusing on only one thing – I think it would really help with my work productivity, not to mention my stress levels.

  12. Great tips! I’m guilty of saying yes to too many things so this is one area I am definitely working on!

  13. Great tips! I’m always more productive in the morning so I try to get up early and get cracking straight away. I get easily distracted though so I try really hard not to multitask and do one thing at a time so I can accomplish it.

  14. I need work on the Don’t Over Commit piece. Thanks for the tips they are very helpful and easy to remember when I am stressed from over committing:)

  15. #1 here is my favorite. I often see people over committing and under performing and I don’t understand it. I definitely say no when I don’t have time for something. I’d rather be up front and honest than not be able to follow through.

  16. Great tips! I love productivity and lists, so this is right up my alley. I agree with all of your tips. I sometimes forget the don’t overcommit rule, but it is something I am much better at.

  17. These are all great tips! Waking up early is my personal struggle though – I’m an owl type and work best at nights, so I stay late and then it’s close to impossible to get up in the morning.

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About Esther

The Cuteness: sharing daily inspiration, kids fashion, work/life balance + small business how to's from mom & business owner Esther Freedman